Saturday, November 8, 2008

Life in one month

It's been a long time since we've had a chance to post anything to the blog, as you already know. So many things have happened, so this will be a quick summary of events with a couple of more detailed blog posts to follow in the coming days: one about the Wedding and another about our move.

Essentially, in the past month, well, we have lived a lifetime!

TJ defended her dissertation and is now Dr. TJ Baker (October 10). 

Our little family drove to New York in a humorously packed and crowded vehicle, and the drive of course had some unexpected surprises! OK, one really unfortunate (for PJ) unexpected surprise (October 14 - 16).

We spent about one week frantically planning the last bits of our wedding, which included things like getting TJ's dress fitted, finally visiting West Point and planning the ceremony, making the chuppah, receiving family from all over the country, making the wedding favors and programs, having a family get together for pumpkin carving ... yes, loads of stuff! (October 17 - 23)

The Wedding, which we will make an entire post about with pictures. It was a lovely day and a beautiful ceremony that we were blessed to share with about 50 of our beloved family members. It was also a send off party of sorts for us (October 24). It was an amazing couple of days with the pumpkin carving party and wedding. It was good to see so many people and to share such an important moment in our lives with them. 

TJ went to Sri Lanka for a meeting the next morning after the wedding ... it was a sad day (October 25). 

And finally, one week later, we hopped on a plane with our pets in tow and moved to Accra, Ghana, which we will of course make a nice long post about this weekend at some point (November 1). 

After arriving in Ghana, we quickly set forth on many tasks such as getting Collin enrolled in school (starts Monday), visiting the Embassy and voting in the US of ass-kickin' A election, finding a home (not yet) and car (nearly confirmed), but sadly no good coffee, and finally, promising Collin in matrimony to a lovely young seven-month-old girl (November 8). 

Hmmm ... life may get pretty boring after this whirlwind of a month!

So, in the next few days you'll get to hear about all the humorous and fun details of our new life. The most important thing to know right now is that we are doing great and having fun here in Ghana. We are learning the city (IWMI loaned us a car for the weekend) and adjusting pretty well to the ebb and flow of life here. We are making friends and looking forward to all the new things that will come our way over the next two years. Even the doggers are enjoying life and making friends ... the Guest House manager (Kwame) took Marcy out in the city for a walk one morning. More soon ...

Much love and hugs to all!

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